I foresee the future of Satanism right here,right now. Where else is
there a more diverse dynamic group of individuals defining what Satanism
is,and going to be? We have taken Satanism buy the horns and are
etching out a new tablet,a new grail. Not one spoon feed by the grand
fathers or yesterday ,but by the merit,content and characters that forge
their way here.. This is the future of Satanism. Those that are slow or
reluctant to grab hold of technology and opportunity will be forgotten.
Their visions and contributions will be left on paper pages to be
referenced and reflected upon.
A valued stepping stone to the future
maybe. But the future will be had and defined and redefined by us. The
bold and the clever will be the ones to map out the definition of
Satanism for the next generation. Everyone here has a piece of this
prize. I predict that the pillars of SIN will be the names of Satanism
in the future. And that the rise of the " loosely structured Cabal" will
over take the hierarchy of the " church" to become a truly independent
collective force of individual Satanist. What I always thought it was
suppose to be.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
The need to believe
I learned a long time ago it is not worth arguing with religious folk.
You cant hope to achieve much trying to enlighten mystical superstitious
weak minded people.Why use logic and reason to argue or debate someone
who has a deep rooted psychological need to resist it? It is like
arguing the shape of a cloud with a blind man? People have a NEED to
BELIEVE. I cant help but to see their "faith" for what it is. A Neurotic
coping Mechanism deeply anchored in the character and emotional
structure of a delusional and crippled victim.A even sadder fact is
these righteous,pious pursuers of heaven will probably never
recover.Their entire lives,security,thought process,
logic,reasoning,longing and general impression of the world around them
is built on these fairy tales .
These very people push into the trusting and delicate minds of children their very own fears and delusions .If faith based mentality was replaced over night with a rational objective approach to reality,Most of these peoples emotional and mental health would crumble in days.
Faith is rooted in fear. A fear of the unknown. The unpredictable. And most of all the fear of living a life free of their conflicting neurotic mechanisms. That they now are entirely dependent on as a permanent copping mechanism.A delicate house of cards to repress guilt,rage,fear,lust,ect..
If you doubt that it is the fear of losing " control" and letting go that fuels religious fever and devotion consider this question…
Why would Organized Religion launch crusades to exterminate entire cultures ,population and races?
They claim they are doing God's work by ridding the world of "savages ,heathens,beastly,course ,perverse and deviant people. It was to much for the Holy to see free and unrestrained happy people half naked not ashamed of their own passions. These " primitive " "Godless " free loving ,living people threatened to expose the fear and inherent irrational contradictions that their culture,religion and faith rest and depend on.
It was necessary to rid the world of people who reminded them of what it is like to not live in a world based on fear ,control,rigidity and repression.The righteous will not tolerate being reminded of what they gave up in the way of life, love and happiness to pursue their " faith" .Ironically ....They gave up the one thing they claim they value above anything else.The only thing they hope to reunite in some mystical intangible everlasting bless with their Lord. Their very essence,their soul.
It was necessary to burn countless thousands of woman alive simply because they reminded these miserable ,impotent men that they themselves once felt alive in their groins. And what could be more murderously provoking than to arouse the last bit lust in some miserable ,resigned ,hateful shell of a man who longs for death?
The righteous and holy will always attempt to remove and exterminate others who think differently and do not reinforce their delusions. Even others that are equally crippled holy men of a different cloth. After all ,what if the other religion is right? There was no clause for that in the gospels?So if they are right,that would make you wrong. And a cloud of anxiety and horror will surely await .There is no other reason or explanation to make light of how even intelligent ,educated worldly and presumably logical well adjusted people could ignore scientifically proven facts that are in sharp contradictions to their faith?
Even Scientist themselves are still spending their entire lives trying to prove evolution is false. That carbon dating and the known age of the universe around us is grossly inaccurate.In the opposition of all evidence and reason they still will not let go of their delusions. They can not. It is simply something they are incapable of doing. It would mean an end to the fictions they have grown depended on to cope and function. A dissolving of the very deep emotional layers of repression and rigidity they have spent a life time building.
Not to mention for the first time in their lives they are unsure of what lies beyond.
If a man of average intelligence reviews the idea of God with a rational objective approach he will come to one conclusion.
God is possible ,but highly unlikely.
And one more Agnostic is born. God is nothing but an imaginary friend for adults.
The universal need to believe should be looked at as a mass induced psychosis. A protective mechanism early man evolved after the horror,uncertainty and isolation he must of felt leaving the comfort of the jungle for the open fields towards the unknown.
Zach Black
These very people push into the trusting and delicate minds of children their very own fears and delusions .If faith based mentality was replaced over night with a rational objective approach to reality,Most of these peoples emotional and mental health would crumble in days.
Faith is rooted in fear. A fear of the unknown. The unpredictable. And most of all the fear of living a life free of their conflicting neurotic mechanisms. That they now are entirely dependent on as a permanent copping mechanism.A delicate house of cards to repress guilt,rage,fear,lust,ect..
If you doubt that it is the fear of losing " control" and letting go that fuels religious fever and devotion consider this question…
Why would Organized Religion launch crusades to exterminate entire cultures ,population and races?
They claim they are doing God's work by ridding the world of "savages ,heathens,beastly,course ,perverse and deviant people. It was to much for the Holy to see free and unrestrained happy people half naked not ashamed of their own passions. These " primitive " "Godless " free loving ,living people threatened to expose the fear and inherent irrational contradictions that their culture,religion and faith rest and depend on.
It was necessary to rid the world of people who reminded them of what it is like to not live in a world based on fear ,control,rigidity and repression.The righteous will not tolerate being reminded of what they gave up in the way of life, love and happiness to pursue their " faith" .Ironically ....They gave up the one thing they claim they value above anything else.The only thing they hope to reunite in some mystical intangible everlasting bless with their Lord. Their very essence,their soul.
It was necessary to burn countless thousands of woman alive simply because they reminded these miserable ,impotent men that they themselves once felt alive in their groins. And what could be more murderously provoking than to arouse the last bit lust in some miserable ,resigned ,hateful shell of a man who longs for death?
The righteous and holy will always attempt to remove and exterminate others who think differently and do not reinforce their delusions. Even others that are equally crippled holy men of a different cloth. After all ,what if the other religion is right? There was no clause for that in the gospels?So if they are right,that would make you wrong. And a cloud of anxiety and horror will surely await .There is no other reason or explanation to make light of how even intelligent ,educated worldly and presumably logical well adjusted people could ignore scientifically proven facts that are in sharp contradictions to their faith?
Even Scientist themselves are still spending their entire lives trying to prove evolution is false. That carbon dating and the known age of the universe around us is grossly inaccurate.In the opposition of all evidence and reason they still will not let go of their delusions. They can not. It is simply something they are incapable of doing. It would mean an end to the fictions they have grown depended on to cope and function. A dissolving of the very deep emotional layers of repression and rigidity they have spent a life time building.
Not to mention for the first time in their lives they are unsure of what lies beyond.
If a man of average intelligence reviews the idea of God with a rational objective approach he will come to one conclusion.
God is possible ,but highly unlikely.
And one more Agnostic is born. God is nothing but an imaginary friend for adults.
The universal need to believe should be looked at as a mass induced psychosis. A protective mechanism early man evolved after the horror,uncertainty and isolation he must of felt leaving the comfort of the jungle for the open fields towards the unknown.
Zach Black
Zach Black Interview with Warlock Asylum
I became familiar with your persona by way of The Ooze. You have
definitely accomplished a lot over the past few years, but for our
readers who may not know who you are, how would you describe yourself?
consider myself a ' self styled ' Satanist. I am from the LaVeyan school
originally . But now after meeting many other Satanist combined with
age and personal life experience my perspective has philosophy has
developed into something beyond LaVeyan Satanism. Something more
sinister in nature.The closest specific leanings I have at this point
would be ONA.
I was interested in magic and the occult from about the age of 10. I
never really swallowed the idea of ' God'. Although I tried as a child.
When I grew old enough to apply my own reasoning skills and stand up
against my folks I walked away from Christianity . Heavy metal was an
influence to . With the Satanic imagery and what not. Also this was back
in the late 80's. The hey day of the Satanic panic. So that kinda
peaked my interest as well.
My definition of a Satanist would be someone who can think
for themselves. Someone who does not need to be told what to do. Someone
who champions individuality and creativity. And lives life to the
fullest. Also someone that does not believe in imaginary friends for
I was a runaway at the age of 13. I came across another runaway who
was a few years my senior. He carried around the Satanic Bible . I was
intrigued . So I read it . And it really resonated with me. The rest is
history .
Satanism has benefited me in a few ways. I think it has helped me
become a stronger man. It has increased my awareness of myself ,others
and the world around me. Satanism has helped me lose my illusions and
become more of a realist.
Some of the obstacles I have encountered over the years have
mainly been in personal relations with friends ,family and lovers. I
have lost close people in all three fields by advertising the fact I am a
Satanist. Not to mention a few jobs. This is why I don't advertise
anymore. With the exception of online stuff. But I have recently been
outta in my area here in San Diego. But at this point down the road I am
not really to concerned about it anymore.
Thank you . I created Satanic International Network to serve as a
networking hub for all Satanist to meet. I saw the limitations of
Satanic ' organizations'. Most having a specific hierarchy and asked for
money to be part of the ' elite'. Or the ' in ' crowd. I feel for that
shit when I was 18 and joined the church of Satan . You should not have
to call someone some fancy prefix and pay money to meet other like
minded individuals.
The creator and visionary behind the Ooze T.C. Downney ( Beastxeno
) approached me on youtube. We developed a friendship . And over time
the Ooze developed new co-host and I was one of them for a while.
Beastxeno also helped me create Satanic International Network . Without
his help it would not exist.
Actually at
the moment I am just trying to promote the Satanic International
Network. It just reached its one year mile stone. Growing faster than
ever before. The network takes up most of my free time. I have a few
things on the back burner . But until I set the wheels in motion I would
just assume they do not exist.
Read. Live life. Put into action . Not just talk . And most importantly find your own way .
definitely accomplished a lot over the past few years, but for our
readers who may not know who you are, how would you describe yourself?
consider myself a ' self styled ' Satanist. I am from the LaVeyan school
originally . But now after meeting many other Satanist combined with
age and personal life experience my perspective has philosophy has
developed into something beyond LaVeyan Satanism. Something more
sinister in nature.The closest specific leanings I have at this point
would be ONA.
2. What sparked your interest in the occult, and more specifically Satanism?
I was interested in magic and the occult from about the age of 10. I
never really swallowed the idea of ' God'. Although I tried as a child.
When I grew old enough to apply my own reasoning skills and stand up
against my folks I walked away from Christianity . Heavy metal was an
influence to . With the Satanic imagery and what not. Also this was back
in the late 80's. The hey day of the Satanic panic. So that kinda
peaked my interest as well.
3. Over the past few years there has been an increased
presence in alternative forms of Satanic thought. In view of such, what
is your definition of a Satanist?
My definition of a Satanist would be someone who can think
for themselves. Someone who does not need to be told what to do. Someone
who champions individuality and creativity. And lives life to the
fullest. Also someone that does not believe in imaginary friends for
4. How did you become a Satanist?
I was a runaway at the age of 13. I came across another runaway who
was a few years my senior. He carried around the Satanic Bible . I was
intrigued . So I read it . And it really resonated with me. The rest is
history .
5. How has this path benefited you over the years, and were there any obstacles that you faced along the way?
Satanism has benefited me in a few ways. I think it has helped me
become a stronger man. It has increased my awareness of myself ,others
and the world around me. Satanism has helped me lose my illusions and
become more of a realist.
Some of the obstacles I have encountered over the years have
mainly been in personal relations with friends ,family and lovers. I
have lost close people in all three fields by advertising the fact I am a
Satanist. Not to mention a few jobs. This is why I don't advertise
anymore. With the exception of online stuff. But I have recently been
outta in my area here in San Diego. But at this point down the road I am
not really to concerned about it anymore.
6. I would like to congratulate you on the success of the
Satanic International Network. Can you tell us what inspired you to
create the network?
Thank you . I created Satanic International Network to serve as a
networking hub for all Satanist to meet. I saw the limitations of
Satanic ' organizations'. Most having a specific hierarchy and asked for
money to be part of the ' elite'. Or the ' in ' crowd. I feel for that
shit when I was 18 and joined the church of Satan . You should not have
to call someone some fancy prefix and pay money to meet other like
minded individuals.
7. You are also involved with the successful internet radio
series The Ooze. How did the unique collaboration between The Ooze and
S.I.N come about?
The creator and visionary behind the Ooze T.C. Downney ( Beastxeno
) approached me on youtube. We developed a friendship . And over time
the Ooze developed new co-host and I was one of them for a while.
Beastxeno also helped me create Satanic International Network . Without
his help it would not exist.
8. Are there any projects that you are currently working on?
Actually at
the moment I am just trying to promote the Satanic International
Network. It just reached its one year mile stone. Growing faster than
ever before. The network takes up most of my free time. I have a few
things on the back burner . But until I set the wheels in motion I would
just assume they do not exist.
9. What advice would you give to those newly interested in the
occult, as well as, LHPers, Necronomicon Practitioners, New Agers,
Satanists, and the whole occult world in general?
Read. Live life. Put into action . Not just talk . And most importantly find your own way .
Zach Black Interview with Crypt Magazine
by David Necro
Photos courtesy of Zach Black

On the surface, Zach Black doesn't seem to fit the stereotype of a Satanist. Blond hair, blue eyes, clean cut, and no black robes or black eye makeup in sight. And no, he doesn't live in a gritty industrial town like Detroit or Oakland. But, as they say, it's what on the inside that matters. And the beast is within, boils and ghouls. This cat knows his shit and he's got years of experience to back it up. We caught up with Zach to chat about what else, Satanism, Szandora, and everything in between such as his cool new network here on the web, Satanic International Network.
David Necro: Why are you a Satanist?
Zach Black: I identify myself as a Satanist because the philosophy resonates with me. I read the Satanic Bible at the age of 13. And it just seemed to fit with what I already felt and how I perceived the world. I was kinda lost at that time . I did not really feel as if I fit into any religion or other philosophy . Satanism just seemed to work. It is the best reflection of how I feel and perceive the world around me.
DN: Why do you feel it is the best reflection of how you feel and percieve the world around you?
ZB: As the common saying goes, "Satanism are born and not made." It's just the way I percieve life.
DN: Can you tell our readers why Satanism over anything else?
ZB: Honestly I have not bothered to look into all that many other religions or philosophies. Of course I am familiar with the basic principles of the more popular religions. But I never pursued any intense study of them. Any religion or philosophy that is theistic in nature I avoid. Satanism being a philosophy based around indulgence and practical experience seems to make most sense to me .
DN: Why does Satanism make the most sense to you?
ZB: Satanism just seems to work. It's the most accurate depiction of how I naturally feel.
DN: Did you have another religous belief (for lack of a better term) before Satanism?
ZB: I was raised Catholic . But not really in a strictly Catholic home. I was raised by my mother who claims to be catholic but only goes to church on like christmas mass once a year. My father who I saw infrequently was very catholic . I was forced to go to church when I was with him every Sunday. I found church to be creepy. Holding hands with strangers. Kneeling and praying. The singing and chanting always spooked me out. I felt very uncomfortable in Church . I hated it even as a child. About the age of 10 or 11 I started to refuse to go . Although at the time I still believed in ' God' I had had enough the Church . This caused serious issues between me and my Father. My father ended up moving out of state shortly after and I have not stepped foot into a church ever since. It was around the age of 12-13 that I stopped believing in God. This is a common age when a lot of people develop an interest in the Occult . I think probably because this age is really when people start developing a sense of self and logic function. Matched with a raging Libido some of us turn away from the herd.
DN: Regarding your religious beliefs before Satanism, so you think 13 is a prime age for people to get into Satanism? Why is that?
ZB: Well, I've noticed that right around the age of puberty for some reason it seems like a lot of people develop interest in Satanism or the Occult. That's when you start to be independent, start to think for yourself, and start to break away from oppression.
DN: Well, is 13 a lucky number in Satanism, or is there no such thing?
ZB: I don't really see any relevance or significance to the number 13. I think it's to do with phsyical and mental development to kind of turn away from the herd at that point.
DN: There's several forms of Satanism, which do you subscribe to?
ZB: I consider myself a ' self-styled Satanist' . I am an atheistic Satanist. I came from the LaVeyan school of Satanism. But I would not call myself a LaVeyan Satanists. Although most would peg me as such. I take what works for me from the LaVeyan school and discard the rest. I dont believe in Magic and Ritual. And I think some of LaVeys Satanic rules of the earth and Satanic Sins are silly or impractical.
DN: You don't believe in magic and rituals? Why is that?
ZB: I do believe in the principles of lesser magic which are more along the lines of psychology and understanding. The human motivation and personality. As far as greater magic goes and ritual, I have not practiced that for well over 10 years. Greater magic is more a form of psychodrama, and I think it's wishful thinking. It might have an effect on the magician practicing it; a sense of building confidence and help
to focus direction.
DN: Have you been to or participated in a Black Mass?
ZB: No, I have not. Actually, I haven't done any group ritual. But, all the greater magic rituals are private rituals that I've done.
DN: Now would you say Satanists are more aggressive go-getters than not?
ZB: I would say Satanists are more practical. They focus more on self-indulgence, than dreams and illusions. I would say that yes, more go-getters.
DN: What is the Satanic way, and how do you apply it to your day to day living?
ZB: For me the Satanic way is living life to the fullest. Concentrating on the here and now . Finding happiness and fulfillment in your life. Breaking free of the moral dynamics and societal restraints that keep you bound to there rules. I practice this in life by doing what I want . I limit my societal obligations to a bare minimum . I try and detach myself from the system that tells you ,you need this to be happy and respected.
DN: So what have you been doing lately?
ZB: Well I created a social networking site for Satanists called Satanic International Network. It is the largest and most active network for Satanists ever. I created this network to be a networking hub for Satanists. No longer is there a need to join a ' church' or any other organization simply to meet like minded Satanists. No longer do you have to listen to some dumb dick high priest ,reverend,magister or grand poo- bah fancy pants tell you how cool he is . Satanic International Network is simply a networking hub devoid of pretentiousness ,ranks,titles and hierarchy . As of October 2011 there are about 2200 users. From all over the world. Free to join . You can created your own profiles and blogs. Upload pictures and videos. Participate in the open discussion forums. Chat live in the video chat room . This is IT, ladies and gentlemen. THE place to be if you are a Satanist seeking out like minds and comradery amongst your peers on the Path.
DN: Ok, what does that do for you, and what does it do for others?
ZB: Giving us an outlet to exchange ideas, to learn from each other. It's a great social outlet to meet other Satanists.

DN: You've rubbed shoulders with Satanic celebs like Szandora LaVey snd Rev. Thomas Thorn. You have a story about Szandora that you wanted to share...
ZB: I came across Szandora LaVey on our radio show, The OOZE. I was on there with her on her show called 'Satanic Witchery.' She was talking about being a Satanic witch. I then talked to her on Facebook and what not, and she was in Hollywood for
a photo shoot. She contacted me and asked if I wanted to meet this guy named Father Larry. He was friends with Anton LaVey. Father Larry was in the documentary about Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan. Anyway, I met up with Szandora in Hollywood.
We had a couple of drinks, hung out, and talked about the Church of Satan and stuff like that. Then we went to where Father Larry was at. It was weird. Like this compound that had all of these shrubs and high fences all the way around. In order to get in you had to buzz in and say the magic word.
Everything in the place was from the 1960s except for the TV and computer. And I got to meet Father Larry. Father Larry recently produced a documentary called 'Iconoclast.' He's a really, really nice guy. The biggest Satanist I've ever seen, man. The guy's like 6'6"-6'7" and well over 300 pounds.
Giant man. We talked about the film, which he gave me an autographed copy of. Szandora LaVey and Father Larry, both of these people are good people. Szandora is the epitome of a Satanic witch.
DN: In your You Tube video about Venus Satanas, you said there's gonna be a new queen of Satanic videos. Who were you referring to?
ZB: Well, there were a couple of contenders for a while. Venus Satanas isn't really a Satanist, she's more of a dark wiccan peddling Satanism for her own gain with her spiritual Satanism bullshit. Selling her incense, candles, and crap like that. But, I was hoping Szandora would step up and make some videos. It's unfortunate that the most popular female "Satanist" on You Tube is Venus Satanas. It would be nice if there's someone who's a real witch, who's a real Satanist like Szandora LaVey.
But, Szandora LaVey's pretty busy and has efforts elsewhere. Somebody will take the throne from Venus.
DN: Has Venus boxed herself into a corner so to speak?
ZB: Yeah, she exposed herself as being a hypocrite and a liar. She's really not that respected among Satanists much anymore. Except for her small ahndful of admirers and followers.
DN: Now there's also a guy that you made a video on, Venger Satanis.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkbFSra-CbA
What was that all about?
ZB: He's alright, man. He started the Cult of Cthulu which is kinda like Satanism with an H.P. Lovecraft twist on it. But various things happened, and it wasn't tongue-in-cheek anymore. He went on his messiah kick and kind of lost face in the Satanic community. But, to each is own.
DN: So that video is old and is not part in parcel of how you feel now. True?
ZB: Well, I still think the Cult of Cthulu is a joke. But, I buried the hatchet with Venger Satanis. We just agree to disagree and stay out of each others way.
DN: Anything else you would like to plug or promote?
ZB: The radio show, The OOZE, on Blog Talk Radio. It's a live radio show, we have everything from occult topics to special guest speakers.

For more on Zach Black:
© 2011 Crypt Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
Photos courtesy of Zach Black
On the surface, Zach Black doesn't seem to fit the stereotype of a Satanist. Blond hair, blue eyes, clean cut, and no black robes or black eye makeup in sight. And no, he doesn't live in a gritty industrial town like Detroit or Oakland. But, as they say, it's what on the inside that matters. And the beast is within, boils and ghouls. This cat knows his shit and he's got years of experience to back it up. We caught up with Zach to chat about what else, Satanism, Szandora, and everything in between such as his cool new network here on the web, Satanic International Network.
David Necro: Why are you a Satanist?
Zach Black: I identify myself as a Satanist because the philosophy resonates with me. I read the Satanic Bible at the age of 13. And it just seemed to fit with what I already felt and how I perceived the world. I was kinda lost at that time . I did not really feel as if I fit into any religion or other philosophy . Satanism just seemed to work. It is the best reflection of how I feel and perceive the world around me.
DN: Why do you feel it is the best reflection of how you feel and percieve the world around you?
ZB: As the common saying goes, "Satanism are born and not made." It's just the way I percieve life.
DN: Can you tell our readers why Satanism over anything else?
ZB: Honestly I have not bothered to look into all that many other religions or philosophies. Of course I am familiar with the basic principles of the more popular religions. But I never pursued any intense study of them. Any religion or philosophy that is theistic in nature I avoid. Satanism being a philosophy based around indulgence and practical experience seems to make most sense to me .
DN: Why does Satanism make the most sense to you?
ZB: Satanism just seems to work. It's the most accurate depiction of how I naturally feel.
DN: Did you have another religous belief (for lack of a better term) before Satanism?
ZB: I was raised Catholic . But not really in a strictly Catholic home. I was raised by my mother who claims to be catholic but only goes to church on like christmas mass once a year. My father who I saw infrequently was very catholic . I was forced to go to church when I was with him every Sunday. I found church to be creepy. Holding hands with strangers. Kneeling and praying. The singing and chanting always spooked me out. I felt very uncomfortable in Church . I hated it even as a child. About the age of 10 or 11 I started to refuse to go . Although at the time I still believed in ' God' I had had enough the Church . This caused serious issues between me and my Father. My father ended up moving out of state shortly after and I have not stepped foot into a church ever since. It was around the age of 12-13 that I stopped believing in God. This is a common age when a lot of people develop an interest in the Occult . I think probably because this age is really when people start developing a sense of self and logic function. Matched with a raging Libido some of us turn away from the herd.
DN: Regarding your religious beliefs before Satanism, so you think 13 is a prime age for people to get into Satanism? Why is that?
ZB: Well, I've noticed that right around the age of puberty for some reason it seems like a lot of people develop interest in Satanism or the Occult. That's when you start to be independent, start to think for yourself, and start to break away from oppression.
DN: Well, is 13 a lucky number in Satanism, or is there no such thing?
ZB: I don't really see any relevance or significance to the number 13. I think it's to do with phsyical and mental development to kind of turn away from the herd at that point.
DN: There's several forms of Satanism, which do you subscribe to?
ZB: I consider myself a ' self-styled Satanist' . I am an atheistic Satanist. I came from the LaVeyan school of Satanism. But I would not call myself a LaVeyan Satanists. Although most would peg me as such. I take what works for me from the LaVeyan school and discard the rest. I dont believe in Magic and Ritual. And I think some of LaVeys Satanic rules of the earth and Satanic Sins are silly or impractical.
DN: You don't believe in magic and rituals? Why is that?
ZB: I do believe in the principles of lesser magic which are more along the lines of psychology and understanding. The human motivation and personality. As far as greater magic goes and ritual, I have not practiced that for well over 10 years. Greater magic is more a form of psychodrama, and I think it's wishful thinking. It might have an effect on the magician practicing it; a sense of building confidence and help
to focus direction.
DN: Have you been to or participated in a Black Mass?
ZB: No, I have not. Actually, I haven't done any group ritual. But, all the greater magic rituals are private rituals that I've done.
DN: Now would you say Satanists are more aggressive go-getters than not?
ZB: I would say Satanists are more practical. They focus more on self-indulgence, than dreams and illusions. I would say that yes, more go-getters.
DN: What is the Satanic way, and how do you apply it to your day to day living?
ZB: For me the Satanic way is living life to the fullest. Concentrating on the here and now . Finding happiness and fulfillment in your life. Breaking free of the moral dynamics and societal restraints that keep you bound to there rules. I practice this in life by doing what I want . I limit my societal obligations to a bare minimum . I try and detach myself from the system that tells you ,you need this to be happy and respected.
DN: So what have you been doing lately?
ZB: Well I created a social networking site for Satanists called Satanic International Network. It is the largest and most active network for Satanists ever. I created this network to be a networking hub for Satanists. No longer is there a need to join a ' church' or any other organization simply to meet like minded Satanists. No longer do you have to listen to some dumb dick high priest ,reverend,magister or grand poo- bah fancy pants tell you how cool he is . Satanic International Network is simply a networking hub devoid of pretentiousness ,ranks,titles and hierarchy . As of October 2011 there are about 2200 users. From all over the world. Free to join . You can created your own profiles and blogs. Upload pictures and videos. Participate in the open discussion forums. Chat live in the video chat room . This is IT, ladies and gentlemen. THE place to be if you are a Satanist seeking out like minds and comradery amongst your peers on the Path.
DN: Ok, what does that do for you, and what does it do for others?
ZB: Giving us an outlet to exchange ideas, to learn from each other. It's a great social outlet to meet other Satanists.
DN: You've rubbed shoulders with Satanic celebs like Szandora LaVey snd Rev. Thomas Thorn. You have a story about Szandora that you wanted to share...
ZB: I came across Szandora LaVey on our radio show, The OOZE. I was on there with her on her show called 'Satanic Witchery.' She was talking about being a Satanic witch. I then talked to her on Facebook and what not, and she was in Hollywood for
a photo shoot. She contacted me and asked if I wanted to meet this guy named Father Larry. He was friends with Anton LaVey. Father Larry was in the documentary about Anton LaVey and the Church of Satan. Anyway, I met up with Szandora in Hollywood.
We had a couple of drinks, hung out, and talked about the Church of Satan and stuff like that. Then we went to where Father Larry was at. It was weird. Like this compound that had all of these shrubs and high fences all the way around. In order to get in you had to buzz in and say the magic word.
Everything in the place was from the 1960s except for the TV and computer. And I got to meet Father Larry. Father Larry recently produced a documentary called 'Iconoclast.' He's a really, really nice guy. The biggest Satanist I've ever seen, man. The guy's like 6'6"-6'7" and well over 300 pounds.
Giant man. We talked about the film, which he gave me an autographed copy of. Szandora LaVey and Father Larry, both of these people are good people. Szandora is the epitome of a Satanic witch.
DN: In your You Tube video about Venus Satanas, you said there's gonna be a new queen of Satanic videos. Who were you referring to?
ZB: Well, there were a couple of contenders for a while. Venus Satanas isn't really a Satanist, she's more of a dark wiccan peddling Satanism for her own gain with her spiritual Satanism bullshit. Selling her incense, candles, and crap like that. But, I was hoping Szandora would step up and make some videos. It's unfortunate that the most popular female "Satanist" on You Tube is Venus Satanas. It would be nice if there's someone who's a real witch, who's a real Satanist like Szandora LaVey.
But, Szandora LaVey's pretty busy and has efforts elsewhere. Somebody will take the throne from Venus.
DN: Has Venus boxed herself into a corner so to speak?
ZB: Yeah, she exposed herself as being a hypocrite and a liar. She's really not that respected among Satanists much anymore. Except for her small ahndful of admirers and followers.
DN: Now there's also a guy that you made a video on, Venger Satanis.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkbFSra-CbA
What was that all about?
ZB: He's alright, man. He started the Cult of Cthulu which is kinda like Satanism with an H.P. Lovecraft twist on it. But various things happened, and it wasn't tongue-in-cheek anymore. He went on his messiah kick and kind of lost face in the Satanic community. But, to each is own.
DN: So that video is old and is not part in parcel of how you feel now. True?
ZB: Well, I still think the Cult of Cthulu is a joke. But, I buried the hatchet with Venger Satanis. We just agree to disagree and stay out of each others way.
DN: Anything else you would like to plug or promote?
ZB: The radio show, The OOZE, on Blog Talk Radio. It's a live radio show, we have everything from occult topics to special guest speakers.
For more on Zach Black:
© 2011 Crypt Magazine. All Rights Reserved.
Do your own fucking homework
I am really fucking tired of people asking me stupid questions about Satanism. As an example I get these types of questions.
' I am new to satanism but willing to learn . Can you teach me? '
No I cant fucking teach you . Even if I could I would not .'
' Where can I get a copy of the Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey?'
Just about anywhere . Have you even tried to look? Do you think I have a personal orchard that grows copies of the TSB ?
' I want to be rich and a famous. How do I sell my soul to Satan ? '
I will tell you and send you Satans email address if you put 50 bucks into my paypal .
' How do I tell my parents I am a Satanist?'
If you enjoy living in your room at your parents house I would not. But if you really need to I recommend this method....( see video at end of blog)
I try to be patient and understanding. I really do . And I get accused of being to ' nice' by my peers more often than I get accused of being to mean by my foes.
But seriously. Do I look like the dear Abby of Satanism? Do I really come across that way?
No one was there to hold my hand when I wanted to learn about Satanism. There was no youtube video to watch. No blogs to read. No internet. No people to hang out with . Anyone who has been into Satanism for more than 10-15 years will tell you this. You gotta do your own homework. You gotta sift through the paper pages and read. There is no books on tape. No youtube video is gonna tell you what it is all about . You gotta do what us old farts did back in the day . Go to the bookstore and read.
We can point you in the right direction . But it is up to you to do the foot work. Do not ask other to do it for you . Why would we? If you are to lazy or stupid to do it for yourself than you probably wont get it anyway. Look for your attention somewhere else.
' I am new to satanism but willing to learn . Can you teach me? '
No I cant fucking teach you . Even if I could I would not .'
' Where can I get a copy of the Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey?'
Just about anywhere . Have you even tried to look? Do you think I have a personal orchard that grows copies of the TSB ?
' I want to be rich and a famous. How do I sell my soul to Satan ? '
I will tell you and send you Satans email address if you put 50 bucks into my paypal .
' How do I tell my parents I am a Satanist?'
If you enjoy living in your room at your parents house I would not. But if you really need to I recommend this method....( see video at end of blog)
I try to be patient and understanding. I really do . And I get accused of being to ' nice' by my peers more often than I get accused of being to mean by my foes.
But seriously. Do I look like the dear Abby of Satanism? Do I really come across that way?
No one was there to hold my hand when I wanted to learn about Satanism. There was no youtube video to watch. No blogs to read. No internet. No people to hang out with . Anyone who has been into Satanism for more than 10-15 years will tell you this. You gotta do your own homework. You gotta sift through the paper pages and read. There is no books on tape. No youtube video is gonna tell you what it is all about . You gotta do what us old farts did back in the day . Go to the bookstore and read.
We can point you in the right direction . But it is up to you to do the foot work. Do not ask other to do it for you . Why would we? If you are to lazy or stupid to do it for yourself than you probably wont get it anyway. Look for your attention somewhere else.
Coming 'out' as a Satanist
I just gotta throw this out there. There are a lot of you ' Satanists '
that wont show your face. You post a lot. Have a lot to say about the
rest of us. But, you never post a picture of yourself. Your profile
picture is of an inverted pentagram or some stupid cartoon picture which
you consider to be ' sinister' or some other dumb shit.
Now I understand on a certain level. I understand why you might want your Satanism kept private. But seriously. Then go by a a different online name. It is hard to take you guys seriously when you hide behind a cartoon avatar and a name like ' Satan666Slayer' or some other equally silly shit.
It does not matter if you are fat,old,ugly or have detachable limbs. Stop being a pussy. My name is not Zach Black. Zach is my first name. And my real name is out there and not hard to find. But clearly I show my face. I have 700 youtube videos. I have been recognized on the street and by my neighbors. Sure , Iwould like to remain anonymous. But I am not gonna be , nor have I ever been one of ' those ' people that hide behind google and talk shit. Have some pride. Have some balls.
You do not need to shout from the tree tops ' MY NAME IS JOHN SMITH , AND I AM A SATANIST' ! .
All you need to do is use an online name. But no need to hide your entire identity. Well very few reasons. Your employer will not find you . Show your face. It is hard to take you seriously if you do not.
Here are a few examples of how some Satanists remain anonymous. And yes I know all there real names. But these are just a few examples of Satanists that are out of the closet and have the balls to stand up.These are our internet names,,but all of these names are real faces and not just cartoon icons . They are not afraid to show their face.
Zach Black,beastxeno,Venger Satanis,Venus Satanas,Ego Diablos,Jason King,Durk Campbell,Thomas LeRoy,Michael W. Ford,Szandora LaVey,Giddle Go Go Partridge,Boyd Rice,ect,ect,ect,. The list goes on.
Now I understand on a certain level. I understand why you might want your Satanism kept private. But seriously. Then go by a a different online name. It is hard to take you guys seriously when you hide behind a cartoon avatar and a name like ' Satan666Slayer' or some other equally silly shit.
It does not matter if you are fat,old,ugly or have detachable limbs. Stop being a pussy. My name is not Zach Black. Zach is my first name. And my real name is out there and not hard to find. But clearly I show my face. I have 700 youtube videos. I have been recognized on the street and by my neighbors. Sure , Iwould like to remain anonymous. But I am not gonna be , nor have I ever been one of ' those ' people that hide behind google and talk shit. Have some pride. Have some balls.
You do not need to shout from the tree tops ' MY NAME IS JOHN SMITH , AND I AM A SATANIST' ! .
All you need to do is use an online name. But no need to hide your entire identity. Well very few reasons. Your employer will not find you . Show your face. It is hard to take you seriously if you do not.
Here are a few examples of how some Satanists remain anonymous. And yes I know all there real names. But these are just a few examples of Satanists that are out of the closet and have the balls to stand up.These are our internet names,,but all of these names are real faces and not just cartoon icons . They are not afraid to show their face.
Zach Black,beastxeno,Venger Satanis,Venus Satanas,Ego Diablos,Jason King,Durk Campbell,Thomas LeRoy,Michael W. Ford,Szandora LaVey,Giddle Go Go Partridge,Boyd Rice,ect,ect,ect,. The list goes on.
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