
Sunday, April 13, 2014

Pope Robert Fraize

Talk about a serious idiot. The only " Satanist " more retarded than Tom Raspotnik is the fool who follows him. Fraize is Toms whipping boy. These two are the top two notorious troll in the satanic communities. . But, pope Fraize is a special kind of retarded. The dude is a metal health case to start. He is bi-polar. His grammar and typing ranks right up there with a 6 year old. The guy is so desperate for attention he buys up other peoples domains. He is to retarded to figure out how to attract attention on his own. So he rides the coattails of others that have achieved any success. Not to different from his  buddy Tom Raspotnik. No surprise there. Similar thing he did with Sect of the Horned God. Taking credit for something he had no hand in. Spineless fool.

   Fraize bought and .org. I own the .com. Talk about pathetic. Fraize has no creative or unique thought in his head. So, no only did he by the domains but he copied much from my network Funny thing is no one gives a shit. And neither Tom Raspotnik nor Fraize with ever get the attention or success I have. Not even with their combined coattail riding and rip offs. In fact, this blog will probably generate more interest in those two clowns than they have gotten in a long time. You are welcome ass clowns.

    I rarely mention pope Fraize or Tom Raspotnik. But when I do 9 outta 10 times people are like " who". And that is the way it will remain clowns. Here is some free advice. First off, kill yourself. Second, try doing something unique and creative. Instead of riding coattails, slandering others that you are envious and jealous of, and stirring the shit pots. No one respects you fools in the Satanic circles. And unlikely anyone ever will.

 In another epic act of stupidity Robert Fraize has adopted an new prefix to his name. As if Pope was not laughable enough he now want to call himself doctor. So he expects people now to address him as Pope Doctor Robert Fraize. Last time I checked doctors went to college of eight to ten years. Fraize does not even have a high school diploma. Maybe Frazie went to the same imaginary college as his friend Tom ' doctor ' Raspotnik. Do you ever notice the more self ordained prefixes someone adds to their name has the least to show and lack any real accomplishments?

I will give Fraize a little credit. He did scribble down some nonsense and self published it on LULU. Which anyone can do. No he calls himself a published author. He did appear in his local newspaper in whatever shit town he lives in. And he managed to appear on a AM radio show at 4am on a weekday. Wow. Now he is a doctor, author and  ( add here whatever ).

Fraize is attempting to distance himself from his trolling past after his falling out with Tom Raspotnik. Fraize is trying to promote himself as a well respectable fellow. Well, it is not going to happen. To many know the truth. And although Fraize can blame all his attacks on Raspotnik, most of us know the truth. And I for one will continue to point out the facts. Everywhere .... to everyone..... whenever I see his name mentioned.

Another known fact is this big bad Satanists is on social security disability for metal illness. Between that and the welfare he can collect having children the dude has not worked for years. Bravo ..

 His last two failed attempts at passing off a couple websites as organizations and now is trying to promote his latest face palm ' The Tradition Church of Satan'. Fraize can not even come up with something unique. He simply just blatantly steals the name the Church of Satan. A truly embarrassing attempt to feed off the crumbs of success of others.