
Friday, January 15, 2016

Hey ' Pope Doctor ' Robby Fraize

 So, you are attempting to ride the coattails yet again? Trying to push yourself into being recognized as someone important? Yet, seems your only means of gaining attention is to state ' I am going to crash the LHP consortium ' .

You think on a child's level. Sure, okay you are not retarded in the classic literal sense. You are a mentally/emotionally challenged person. My bad. I retract the retarded comment.

First off, your empty threats no one takes seriously. How many years have you trolled in order to get attention? You,I and many others know you do not have the funds from your DSSI to make such a sabbatical to Atlanta. And, if for some reason you did, you would never be able to get in. Private party dumbass. Not open to the public. Seems you got shut down mighty quick here ! 

Your epic fail of a reply is what I would expect from someone with your level of intelligence. 

Yes we all know you base your delusional pride on being a shit disturber, malicious slander and coattail rider. And you wonder why you get passed up for a event like the LHP consortium? LOLZ. 

This ( pats on head ) is important. This is a private event. 200 rooms, ball rooms, conference rooms ect have been reserved for OUR guest and entertainers. Not for the public. People attending that are not already known on a face to face bases will need a ID to get their tickets. This is not open to the public. And, you will not get in. Should you be able to sneak in you might at best get a few ' fuck you Zach , I am a real Satanist!' in before security tosses you out . Not only does the resort have security, but the consortium has its own. 

Wow! That above screen cap is not only perceptive but razor sharp. She sized you up to a tee. Much better at articulating your idiocracy than I. 

This final exchange of yours is my favorite. It really shows what a retard ...oops , I meant mentally and emotionally challenged fool you are. 

First off... you state " Not many people will care what is going on inside the doors " .. WTF?  This is classic retardation. Everyone attending fool is there to be inside... part of it, THAT is where it is happening! All 200 rooms are filled inside idiot. ALL presentations, entertainment is INSIDE. ALL the parties are INSIDE. So, WTF are you talking about? Do you think if you stand outside the building holding a sign saying ' ZACH BLACK SUCKS! I AM A REAL SATANIST' anyone is going to give a fuck? Except take pictures to post as they laugh at you fool? 

And yes, nice touch to kiss a little ass because you are not aware you have been shot down. Sure I have called you a retard. And many other things. So what. I am here doing it again. Do you really think anyone will take that as a reason for you to ' crash' the LHP party? Which you can't. Even if you could find away to afford it. Nice touch with the exaggerated list of ' credentials'. You rone time appearance at 4am on AM radio. A write up in a local small newspaper. Your books do not sell shit and are garbage. Post some proof? Exactly. 

Bottom line Robby, No one of any caliber respects you. And that is no fault of mine. It is yours. You are a malicious, pretentious, slanderous shit disturber. Why would they take you seriously? You have a small handful of idiots that actually believe your stupidity. The rest of us think you are a joke.  Sorry you are not invited to the party Robby. And you never will. Your empty posturing and immaturity assures that. I will send you a post card. 

Maybe when you can actually come up with something more creative and unique than ' Theistic Church of Satan' or Theistic Satanic International Network' someone of any intelligence will take notice. Retard. But, nice to know your envoy and jealousy includes me. 

On a final note. Just to show you some numbers on a stupid blog how much someone gives a fuck about you compared to me ... 
But hey, you are in a close race with another worthless pretender your buddy Raspotnik. I have 100 times more interest in a blog I hardly use that you . 

Fraize who? 

At the end of the day Robert. You wish you were me. You wonder why no one of importance recognizes you. And you scratch your chimp like brain asking yourself ' what does he have that I do not? This is unfair '.  Well, you see Robert, when you spend your time maliciously attacking, slandering and stealing from others while you have created nothing unique or novel you fail to draw any attention but the negative. Your only attention comes at provoking a reaction from those you attack. Nothing that has any real quality. And, your failed attempts only make the contrast of people like you , from people like me. Which is why you need to add all the pretentious prefixes to your name ( pope, doctor ) . No one buys it. Clearly. No one is inviting you to do anything like this consortium. And never will. 

You can attempt to ruin my credibility with people that you can only hope to associate with. Will not happen. Nor will there be anything you can do or say to stop me or this event from taking place. And, my presentation is only a small part of why I am going. Although I tend to make the best presentation possible. I am looking forward to spending 3 nights and 3 days with people from around the world I have admire, respected and considered friend for many years. I am honored they invited me and consider me worthy to be a presenter. Sorry no one knows or cares for you. 

And yes out of all the 400 + attending. I will be the only one who would know your name. And rest assured... your name will not be uttered from my mouth at anytime. 

Your ' connection ' to what you think Satanism is will be limited to the online trolling communities. I will be busy with those that make a difference and actually matter in real life. . 

And I speak for no one but myself . Although I can assure you most share my sentiments. I speak as Zach Black. No one involved with the LHP consortium necessarily shares these opinions ( although most do ) .