
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

How to meet other Satanists around where you live

This blog is written mainly as a guide on how to meet Satanists in your area. Satanic International Network is a good place to start. Check out our Groups to see if one exists close to you. We have 33 chapters ( mainly in USA ) now. Obviously the larger cities are going to produce better results. 

Another good way is to search on Google and social media, mainly FaceBook. Either make a shout out in a ' satanic ' group on Facebook that has thousands of users in it or narrow it down and search ' Satanists Denver Colorado ' or wherever you live. 

I live in San Diego and have a Satanic International San Diego Chapter page. It is just a page to promote our meetups. People who are not even on Facebook are finding the group ever week from outside sources. 

Finally YouTube. Make a YouTube video and post it with the right tags and title. something like for a title  'Any Satanists in Denver' ? For tags use something like ' satanist, satanism, meetups, groups, online , satanic organizations, Denver Satanists Colorado' ....etc. 

So there you go. That is the best ways and personally the most successful for me. Hope this helps .  

Zach Black
FaceBook - SatanicInternational 
Instagram - satanicinternational 
YouTube - satanicinternational and thesatanicnetwork