
Saturday, August 25, 2018

Well it is about time for me to start posting again. I took a break to pursue some personal offline interests but now I am back Satanic International Network is still going strong . In fact SIN is pretty much the only satanic forum left. All the forums took a blow in the last few years due to the rise of social media giants like FaceBook, Instagram , Twitter ect. Now everyone can have their own group for free and with minimal u keeping. Now everyone is king.

I started a shirt company called Satanic Fashion ( ) partially as a hobby and obviously to make money. Although I have yet to really launch the shop and olny do minimal advertising on my personal social media the shop is still turning out some decent business. At the advice of my friend I am waiting a full year before I really open the door to the public and go for paid advertising. The shop consists mainly of shirts of a satanic nature. I make most of the unique designs myself and we have over a hundred designs available most shirts are $16.66 .

My youtube main channel satanicinternational was terminated for the fourth time in 10 years. I somehow have been able to come back like a case of your moms herpes. Although I do not make YouTube video that often these days I still have collectively over 1000 videos.

If anyone still pays attention over here I apologize for the lack luster blog post but more to come now buy some shirts!

Skip about Half way in to shut me up and see the shirts.